Sunday, October 17, 2010

Letter to the Editor

fromMaria Charina Rodriguez
sender-timeSent at 11:08 AM (GMT+08:00). Current time there: 12:39 PM.
dateWed, Oct 13, 2010 at 11:08 AM
subjectletter to the editor

I do not understand this ‘responsible parenthood’ that our President
and those who are for RH Bill are saying.

As far as I know, when a man and a woman truly loves each other, they
would see sexual act as sacred and therefore enters the Sacrament of
Matrimony to be blessed by God because a mature couple sees the sexual
act towards an end, that is, procreation and education of their

Those who lacks maturity, who at most times, not a fault of their own
enters prematurely into an intimate relationship usually lacks a good
foundation with their own family since its from our parents that we
learn maturity in relationships especially self-control and the scopes
of its responsibilities; and from our relationship with our siblings
that we learn what we children truly needs.

Responsible parents are aware that in every sexual union has a child
as a fruit. Why engage in it if you do not want the fruit? It’s like
saying, baking a cake and you do not want the look and taste of the
cake. In RH Bill, encouraging sexual acts without thinking of its
consequences? And to think that all there is in life is sexual. It’s
the reason why, today, Freud is already considered outdated.

Maria Charina Rodriguez