Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Letter to Editor

fromMaria Charina Rodriguez mccr68@gmail.com
sender-timeSent at 5:57 PM (GMT+08:00). Current time there: 11:22 AM.

dateWed, Apr 27, 2011 at 5:57 PM
subjectletter to the editor

I wonder, do you think PNoy is lonely? Do you think he is losing hope in combating poverty as he is diverting its cause from corruption to overpopulation? ' He is excommunicating himself from Catholicism of 2000 years and whose majority of people he governs and voted for him. The Church is not even thinking of excommunicating him maybe because, as Bishop Cruz observes, he doesn't have a well-informed conscience.

This Easter Season in the Catholic Church is the happiest as it is a season of 'victory' and 'triumph'! Let us include PNoy with us, even if he is alienating himself from us, and share with him the 'joy' of life and of living. It would greatly help if he would look at us as allies for progress and also as friends to help him heal his pain and suffering especially if his pain is deeply rooted in childhood.

Maria Charina Rodriguez